Health Vital Collection Automated by Developing IoT Powered Mobile App

We developed an all-in-one healthcare application for both iOS and Android users, which is enabled with a custom UI built on React Native and a dashboard that collects vital data across various domains such as sleep & relaxation, nutrition, medication adherence, and fitness. The dashboard works on the vitals collected by the third-party wearable device Dozee. 

About this

About this project

We collaborated with the client to develop an automated process, starting with awareness of healthy lifestyles and ending with offering a LifePlan to users. The client wanted to promote the “Self-care Pentagon” via the app, which talks about five goals required to manage health revolving around sleep & relaxation, nutrition, self-awareness, medication adherence, and fitness.


Digital Strategy, Product Engineering, Customer Experience




About the client

Our client offers comprehensive healthcare applications that work as healthcare companions, helping users pursue progressive prevention and management of chronic conditions. As a leading solution provider for patients suffering from ailments like diabetes or at risk of it, the platform offers a LifePlan to patients to cope and recover fast by maintaining a healthy lifestyle & disease management and an active community to help make healthcare happier. With the aim to improve the diabetic journey of patients, the application aims to provide users with a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing their health and wellness goals.

About the client About the client


App development for iOS and Android

Our strategic consultants and development team built the innovation-led app using the cross-platform compatibility of React Native and Typescript. The developed app considers the health metrics, provides users with a comprehensive look into their vitals, offers actionable insights, and improves overall well-being. The “Self-care Pentagon” screen talks about five goals required to manage health revolving around sleep & relaxation, nutrition, self-awareness, medication adherence, and fitness.

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Automation of manual processing 

We enabled automation, starting from the onboarding process for sending data to the backend built on MangoDB and Java through API to provide actionable insights based on users’ health goals and current health vitals. By leveraging Axios for API integration, the goal is to streamline data collection, provide informative content, and deliver customized health plans to promote overall well-being.

Our team also utilized Twilio to send reminders and notifications to users for medication adherence, exercise routines, and other essential activities related to their LifePlans while Implementing push notifications and in-app alerts to keep users engaged and motivated.

Algorithms for auto-modifying the health plan

To enhance the app’s user-friendliness, our team used algorithms to suggest modifications based on similarities with other users who have similar health profiles, preferences, and goals. It analyzes patterns and recommends adjustments that have been successful for matching users. The backend code identifies the correct segmentation based on user inputs and creates a user-specific LifePlan in the database. The user updates different health metrics in the app by the end of the day, and those metrics get updated in that specific LifePlan for the user. This is used to update the changes in DB as well as refresh the LifePlan on the app.


Providing results that exceeded the client’s expectations

  • 10K downloads on the Google play store, 15K on the Apple app store
  • 77% of diabetic users witnessed glucose reduction in 2 weeks
  • 50000+ coaching consultations across nutrition, psychology, and exercise

Case Studies

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