RTI International

In response to growing environmental concerns, we developed an automated web-based Municipal Solid Wastes Decision Support Tool (MSW DST) designed to evaluate and address these issues efficiently.

About this

About this project

To address the growing issue of waste generation, we developed an automated web-based Municipal Solid Wastes Decision Support Tool (MSW DST) for RTI International, a nonprofit organization. The project aimed to enhance waste management efficiency while considering monetary and resource limitations. Our solution replaced the outdated desktop-based application with a more user-friendly and responsive web-based interface, offering 24/7 data availability and centralized control. By integrating an open-source web framework, we improved system performance and ensured compliance with the Municipal Solid Wastes (Managing and Handling) Rules, 2000, enabling more effective decision-making and a sustainable approach to waste management.


Product Engineering




About the client

RTI International is an established nonprofit research institute working to enhance the overall state of the environment across the globe. Ready to take on the challenge of eliminating mismanaged waste systems and curing uncontrollable waste generation, RTI International partnered with the idea of developing an automated web-based Municipal Solid Waste Decision Support Tool (MSW DST). The aim was to take solid action to deplete the rising number of waste generators and provide a permanent solution for waste management. 

About the client About the client


We built a robust MSW DST, leveraging an open-source web framework and ensuring a highly responsive and user-friendly design. It provides 24/7 data availability, improving waste management efficacy while reducing the need for exception handling. This tool supports better decision-making and ensures a more sustainable approach to managing municipal solid waste.


The solution required a revamp of both the front and back ends. We migrated the application from VB.NET to ASP.NET to render a smooth flow of function and enhanced overall performance, ensuring enhanced speed and a streamlined workflow. We integrated leading tools and applications like C# and Microsoft Office Interop to transform the backend into an automated system with a centralized approach.

The front end developed to be responsive and intuitive for users by using jQuery, HTML, and JavaScript. Overall, an enhanced MSW DST web application was implemented that was quick and delivered necessary data to users promptly, allowing them to make better data-driven decisions. 


Providing results that exceeded the client’s expectations

Streamlined Waste Management – Around The Globe

  • Data was centralized to be available 24/7 for users to employ in their decision-making scenarios for better waste management.
  • Resource allocation, including the division of funds, became straightforward.
  • The front end transformed into an intuitive and responsive dashboard that users could access 24/7 from any device and any location. In other words, it is user-friendly.
  • Overall efficiency was drastically improved in both the front and back end as the system was robust, streamlined, and user-friendly.

Case Studies

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