Business Objective

Business Objective

Our client is a trusted leader in precision measurement and geospatial solutions, serving geospatial and construction industries and focusing on precision measurement and spatial awareness for over three decades. The increasing density of invasive plants has always been a challenge. Such plants outcompete native plants for resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients. Hence, the client wanted us to develop a ‘practical solution to noxious weeds’ through an application. Our client collaborated with Successive Digital to develop an all-in-one cross-platform application, ‘Invasive Plants,’ for govt and private contractor entities that manage the county's noxious weed control activities. The application also records and views field activities related to chemical and mechanical plant treatments, plant assessments, plant occurrences, proposed treatment areas, and service requests.

Business Challenges

Threat Posed By Noxious Weeds

Growing noxious weeds pose a significant threat to the vegetation. Hence, the client wanted to develop an application for tracking and managing weed control activities for county weed control.

Data Integration

Integrating the app with county databases and GIS systems requires careful planning and coordination to ensure data consistency and accuracy.

User Adoption

Encouraging govt entity technicians and private contractors to adopt the Invasive Plants app was challenging due to unfamiliarity with mobile technology or existing workflow.


Business Solutions

The client teamed up with Successive Digital, seeking the development of an easy-to-deploy cross-platform mobile app that efficiently manages noxious weed control activities. The app can be easily deployed through the Apple Store, Google Play Store, and Windows Store and supports real-time connectivity with offline editing capabilities. Our team devised a two-part approach to helping the client develop a comprehensive solution. First, we leveraged Xamarin. Forms and .Net to build native user interfaces for mobile apps using a single codebase. Later, we provided a predictable, high-quality process for managing support and maintenance issues. To enable county-level government weed management technicians and private contractors to visualize service requests and treatment areas, we integrated ESRI maps for seamless real-time data, dynamic entities, 3D base maps, and data filtering within the application. With features such as aerial imaging, technicians can identify and map areas infested with weeds and targeted management strategies.

Success Stories

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