Mobile App Development

The process of developing a mobile app from an idea

Mobile applications are software indented for use on smart-phones and tablets. As of now, there are more than 2 million apps are available on the Google store, while 1.83 million apps are available on the Apple store. The number shows an enormous availability of mobile applications across app stores. And if you have a fantastic idea that can simplify the lives of users, then your app may rank top in the list of million apps.

The number of mobile apps is increasing rapidly with each passing day; however, the user retention rate of mobile applications seems to be decreasing. Until last year only 32% of the users returned to the app at least 11 times or more.

The earlier retention percentage was 38%, and this drop is quite evidence that mobile apps are not helping people as much.  

If you want your app to work well in the market and get significant exposure, then you have to be meticulous at every step of the way to create the app. To begin with, you have to put your idea on paper by writing the application’s requirements. If your requirements have clarity and the right details, then the mobile app developer will be able to deliver the perfect app. 

How to process the idea from scratch?  

1. Pick a problem to resolve

If you already have an idea for the mobile app, then you can skip this point. But if you don’t have an idea, but you want to develop an app, then look around for problems. And the good news is problems are all around you. If you have noticed, then you will realize that every product and service that you know got created to solve a specific problem. 

You can start by listing down the problems you face in your life. Once you have a list of problems, you can start to think of a solution. Finally, filter out the most helpful solutions from others. Now, you have a problem and its optimal solutions, which can form the foundational idea for your mobile app. 

2. Validate your idea 

Validation from the potential user and other people will prove that the app will have an audience upon its release. In simple words, demand exists for your mobile application. You may use the Google keyword planner tool to know the number of people who are already searching for what you are planning to provide them.

You can also consider creating a landing page that mentions your idea for the app. And you can know how many users have the interest to use the app by incorporating email signup. When you validate the need, you will be more confident while making the app as you will be creating something meaningful.

3. Choose the operating system

It’s crucial to know that your app will run on which operating system. Android and iOS are two the most prevalently used operating systems out there. Are you developing an app for iPhone users or Android users? The answer to that will help your mobile app developer to design the app. 

Both the operating system works differently, and the process of developing an app will be different as well. Also, note that you can also have your app on both platforms.   

4. Describe the features and flow 

You need to put down your idea on paper with the maximum possible details. You should not only include the flow of the app, that is, how users will navigate through your app. But also include detailed features and functionality of the app. It will help the app developer to know your expectations. 

The standard features you can include are login page, menu, screen, fonts, link to social media platforms, push notifications, data caching for offline mode, payment gateway, app reviews and Geo-locations, and so on. You should include all the necessary features and additional features according to the need of your audience.


The revenues from in-app advertising and paid downloads of mobile apps are going to cross 581 billion US dollars in 2020. Indeed, the mobile apps industry is going to be massive.

When you use the tips above for writing mobile app requirements, then the developer will be able to create a flawless application that will earn you valuable profits. And then, you could also be among the leading mobile app revenue generators. 


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