Software Development

Impact of Digital Workplace on Software Development

As the COVID-19 or widely known as the Coronavirus is spreading around the world, more and more companies and industries have no choice but to have their employees work remotely and preferably from home, sometimes even mandated by the governments themselves. This as a result has increased the demand of digital workplace. Well, the idea of remote working is not new and is extremely used by freelancers and entrepreneurs. In fact, there are teams that have been working in collaboration with each other since the inception of their job roles. One of which is software developers.

The software development work process has always required designers, developers, and QA experts to work in close collaboration. However, the current pandemic situation is making the software development work more productive. The direct impact of this workspace shift is visible in the greater adoption of digital solutions and collaboration platforms. This blog explains impact of digital workplace and why software companies need remote teams. Have a look-

Why Do Software Companies Need to Hire Remote Teams?

Access to World’s Talents

Developers with the right skills and experience are in demand. Now, there is no need to limit yourself to find developers available in your geographic area. Remote hiring is ideal for companies planning to grow the number of developers who work for them. By having an extended team of remote employees, you are likely to find someone who ticks all the boxes.

Healthier Working Environments

It is also true that there may be some remote employees that might be introvert while others may prefer remaining quiet during a meeting. Although they give their ideas later after the completion of the meeting. For streamlining virtual communications, there is a diverse range of virtual tools available like Slack, Zoom, and Trello etc. Remote hires can provide people with more flexibility, which will contribute to high confidence and less stress.

Unique Service Offerings

An amazing plus point is that when you extend your team by partnering with software engineers from a remote team, it significantly helps in increasing your service offering. Different age, gender, background, and culture has an array of diverse view-point. The team members are likely to have a new perspective on a problem due to the cultural background. This proves to be a huge asset when it comes to launching your product or service across the market.

Greater Flexibility

The employees who have freedom to choose their work timings and work locations are a lot more engaged. Additionally, the flexible schedule helps in closing the gender gaps prevalent in the corporate world thus improving diversity and success in the organization. When one signs out, another joins and this keeps the development work running. In consequence, these software development companies tend to be more productive.

Tools to Ensure Smooth Collaboration While Working Remotely

Once you decide to go remote, it can be difficult to approach organizational issues that come with managing remote employee all across the world. An effective remote team will have a set of tools: an email service, file sharing capabilities, an instant messaging platform, project management software, video conferencing, and anything else. Here are some of the great tools that smoothen the process for software designers & developers working remotely.

  • All-in-one solutions

Troop Messenger, BasicOps, TipHive, Hibox, Paymo, Hive

  • Managing tasks

Avaza, Taskworld, TeamGantt, Fusioo, Trello, Jira, Twoodo, Wrike, Worksection, Finit, Eylean Board

  • Document collaboration tools

Google Drive,, TipHive

  • Team communication tools

Skype, Slack, Telegram, UberConference

These tools are extremely useful for the developers and other team members to oversee the complex development process.

Apart from this, it has been suggested that you should follow the work procedures which has been set with your project manager and show spirit as well as responsibility for the progress of development. Inspire your team by being truly involved and form goals clearly to make everything go as planned. The overall success of your project and the speed of development will depend on the responses you provide to your team.

Final Words

When your organization has access to a much larger pool of remote developers, building a diverse team helps in gaining benefit in the complete process. This means you get a better working environment and improved services. So, what are you waiting for? Follow these tips and make the software development process much convenient while working remotely.


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